Experienced Consultants

Our team of experienced and specialist consultants guarantees optimum solution for your needs.

Customer Satisfaction

Our client satisfacation is ensured by an independent assurance function responsible for monitoring our engagements -- from proposals to service delivery.

Eye for detail

There is no detail that can miss our eye. We pay attention to details and implement project within deadlines.

What Our Clients Say

"In 2015-16 I had the opportunity to work directly with Dr. Shahin Nazarian in support of a cross-border patent licensing negotiation. He was extremely responsive with his analysis which were well thought and clearly explained. I hope to work with him again soon as it is difficult to find technology experts that are both knowledgeable, responsive, and have the language skills to communicate their analysis to those not as skilled in the art as them."

-E. Dale Buxton II
CEO at Buxton Global Enterprises, Inc.

"We hired Shahin Nazarian as an expert witness and consultant in the field of PC initialization and graphical user interfaces for BIOS technology. Shahin was an enthusiastic and thorough partner in uncovering and developing the facts, willing to commit time to substantial and detailed declarations. In short, Shahin delivered timely results that made a difference in our case, which is exactly what every attorney seeks from an expert."

-Jack Fijolek
CTO, Transpacific IP Management Group Pte., Ltd